There’s nothing better than stopping by your local Duane Reade store for a quick pick me up of things on and off your holiday gift list. Typically, I realize that I’m in need of random items like tights, nail polish or even bath tissue as I’m preparing to walk out the door – so of course I was thrilled to find out that now Duane Reade offers “Items of the Week” at great sale prices – for girls like me that typically shop on the go!
First stop, the aisle of choice…Haircare! Don’t you just hate it when you run out your favorite beauty product – just when you need it the most? That’s why you should stock up right before holiday soiree season begins…
It’s a given that the candy aisle is my kryptonite – but since I’m trying to keep conscious of holiday calories, dried fruit and water will be my candy and beverage of choice this season (baby steps…LOL)
- Definitely looking for a new holiday shade for this week…
Now I’m off with the perfect shade of lipsticks and nail polish, I’m all set to checkout! One thing that I love about Duane Reade is their friendly staff always make it easy to check out and get the discounts you deserve, with your Balance Rewards card. Even if I misplace my card or don’t have it with me, as long as I can remember my telephone number they can pull up my account and apply my discount with no problem! Gotta love customer service!
Check out my full shopping experience here. To find the closest Duane Reade, check out their store locator. Need additional personalized help? Follow @duanereade #DReade on twitter or visit the hashtag #DRHappyandHealthy anytime to see what the other Duane Reade VIPs find. You can also follow along on Facebook and the Duane Reade Youtube Channel.
“I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™. All opinions are entirely my own. #CBias #SocialFabric