The social media market is primed for a new player that allows users to connect with friends, according to the 2011 American Customer Satisfaction Index(ACSI) E-Business Report, produced in partnership with customer experience analytics firm ForeSee Results. Despite a small improvement this year, ...
Who Runs Google+….DIVAS!!!
As I recover from my Eastcoast/Westcoast time hiatus...I came across an interesting social media tidbit via Mashable that I think my divas would be interested in...We all know that you're into the fashion and social media thing and that many of you are early adapters (and adopters) to the latest and ...
See my ugly face? (FB vs. Google+)
And by ugly, I mean UGLY! I'm reminded of a printing pal of min in Charlotte, North Carolina by the name of Chris. As one of the original Greek inhabitants of the city of Charlotte he's experienced an extraordinary life - from cooking for Marilyn Monroe during the war, meeting the POTUS & ...
Watch the Throne: Google+ VS Facebook
Unless you've been under a rock, within the past 24 hours you've heard about the MySpace acquisition (with an unlikely stakeholder named Justin Timberlake) and Google+ launch --- all gunning after the Facebook throne. Here's the skinny...GOOGLE (aka the world's largest search engine company) has ...