After years of struggling to attract top developers to their platform, Microsoft & Nokia appears to be finally winning. Earlier this morning at Nokia World 2013 that took place in Abu Dhabi, the Finnish company unveiled 2 6-inch Lumia phones and their 1st Lumia tablet to the world. Apps ...
Social Media How To: How To Choose (Create) a Hashtag (#)
Believe it or not I still have many friends that don't know how to use twitter, so they stay off the social network. They are missing out on great things such as quick updates, twitter chats and communicating with awesome people you'd never meet otherwise. How do you get such great connections? As ...
Steve Jobs Film’s Second Trailer Arrives Straight and Exclusively On Instagram Video
In June, we showed you the official trailer for the JOBS film (the one based on Walter Isaacson's biography) that is coming out next month. But now the follow up trailer went straight to the JOBS film Instagram. JOBS Film on Instagram A 15 second Instagram video, the JOBS trailer has ...
Video for Instagram – Your Instagram Feed Is About To Go Crazy!
It's live! We recently told you about the event Facebook was holding today. It's now official, you can record short clips a la Vine on your Instagram App. But Instagram is doing things a bit differently. Check out the features video on Instagram has to offer: Video for ...
Is Facebook Working on an Instagram Version of Vine To Launch On June 20th?
We've seen Instagram's popularity. A new player is in town called Vine. With Vine users can share 6 second clips. As many users describe it, Vine is "like Instagram on Video". Apparently Instagram isn't just happy handling your photos as they may be seeking to finally get into the video-sharing ...