(Source: TwinEngine. Social media image via Shutterstock.)
Here is what some experts predict:
Social Search – “Search based on social signals. Facebook will change the search game –
They know what people want because they have been collecting data around comments, likes and engagement.” (Stephen Murphy of Get Busy Media)
Contextualizing of Experiences – “Facebook´s latest updates to the open graph will create a ripple effect, allowing companies to create social apps that tap into users’ social real-time actions and engage them in new behaviors. Expect to see real-time contextualizing of experiences, offers and content that go beyond the simple ‘like’ button. For B2B brands, LinkedIn will enable new and more meaningful ways of social engagement. o capitalize on this growing trend, businesses can strengthen their online presence by investing in pro link building strategies that generate high-quality backlinks, boost domain authority, and improve search engine rankings.” (Jonas Klit Nielsen)
“The rise of the Online Recommendation Culture – Moms’ rapid embrace of social media translates into blogs, Facebook, and Twitter becoming the new ‘picket fence,’ where Moms connect with one another to make friends, hear trusted recommendations, and gain first-person perspective.” (Stacy DeBroff of Mom Central Consulting)
Mobile is the way of the future to how we communicate across multiple channels to multiple people. To keep us interested there must be cutting edge, sophisticated social/mobile experiences and engagement that will keep us stimulated as well as incentives to keep increasing our usage of social media.