If you can’t wait to update your Facebook status (even when you’re 25,000 feet in the air?) then the social media gods have heard your cries. This month everal airlines have teamed up with Gogo Inflight Internet and Ford to offer free in-flight Facebook access throughout the month of February.
Gogo’s partners in this promotion include AirTran Airways, Alaska Airlines, American Airlines, Delta, United Airlines, U.S. Airways and Virgin America.
How it works: Upon reaching the required altitude where travelers are allowed to turn on tablets, phones, laptops and other personal electronic devices aboard flight, they will be able to access the Gogo Wi-Fi network, and then click on the Ford/Facebook banner to access Facebook.
If you want to access something other than Facebook, you’ll have to pay a fee, starting at $4.95 and depending on the flight’s duration. Gogo says that Facebook is its number-one website visited by travelers, and Gogo hopes that customers will get hooked to the service during the free promotion in February.
*DING…You are now allowed to update your in flight snack status across skies around the country…*