Did you know: 40% of daily users visit the Explore page on an average day! If you’re one of the four people who live by navigating the Explore page, then this latest Instagram update is especially for you! To help us find even more accounts to follow Instagram has made the search bar more prominent and smarter with typeahead search, like predictive text but better.
Another new feature is the People tab on the Explore page. With this in mind, you’ll see that the Explore icon at the bottom of your screen has changed to a magnifying glass. When you open Explore, you’ll now see two tabs: Photos and People. The Photos tab has not changed. It contains the same scrolling grid of photos and videos you already know. The new People tab highlights interesting accounts for you to discover.
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Finding new accounts to obsess over is fun and all, but two thing that aren’t are typos and dull captions. With the intro of caption-editing, this update fixes that headache as now you can edit those captions until you (and the grammar police on your page) are satisfied. You’ll find a new “Edit” option in the menu beneath your image. Tap it to edit your caption.
Instagram for iOS version 6.2 is available today in Apple’s App Store, and Instagram for Android version 6.10 is available today on Google Play.
Are you excited about the latest Instagram updates that enable you to discover new photos, accounts and edit dull captions? Are there any other Instagram updates you’d like to see soon? Sound off with your suggestions below!