Many people are still stumped about what the cloud is, how it works and whether it’s for them. Recent hacking stories have also left many wondering can the cloud really protect them? Is it the best way to keep files safe? In light of recent celeb pictures being hacked off the cloud, a lot of people especially have questions. Tech security expert Aaron Ross has the answers.
Internet security expert Aaron Ross, owner of RossBackup says “people keep using the word cloud for everything. It has become a broad term used to signify anything based online, which isn’t necessarily accurate. As a result, many people have not been able to fully understand what the cloud is or how it works.” With this in mind Ross gives us the inside scoop on what the cloud actually is and the best way to keep our personal information safe from hackers.
The cloud is basically a huge computer.
“All of the information you save to your cloud goes onto a large computer called a server. There are many times where your information will be copied onto multiple servers in different locations to protect you if one should fail.”
Even though your information could be in multiple locations, it doesn’t mean that your files are not safe. It is up to you to set up your settings.
“The most common mistake when using the cloud is not classifying your cloud as public or private. Most people regret to cover this step unknowingly and are surprised when they see that their files are being shared. Make sure to set your cloud as private if your goal is to keep all of your information safe.”
Not even your cloud service can view your files.
“Your information should not be visible to anyone. The only exception would be, if you shared a file publicly. In that case, you need to realize that once you share a file with someone, they in turn can share it as well. One of the most common causes of personal information being leaked is human error.”
Your data is never actually lost.
“Your information is always stored through a provider. Any decent provider has a search function or is organized by folder location.”
Take the necessary steps to protect yourself against hackers online.
“It is important to remember that the cloud can only help you if you’re only storing your information online. With that in mind, the best ways to protect yourself are:
a. Keep your computer locked to prevent unauthorized access.
b. Disable all but the front USB slots so you can make sure no one has a USB key plugged in.
c. Use a secure password for every login.
d. Use different password for every location
e. Make sure that if you are using an online backup, that the software requires a password when the computer restarts or alternatively gives you the option to require one.”
Now that you know the basics of the cloud and cloud storage, what steps are you going to take to protect yourself online?