This post has been sponsored in part by the “IT CAN WAIT” program which focuses on educating people – especially teens – about the dangers of texting and driving. The message is simple, yet vital: When it comes to texting and driving, it can wait. For more information visit
If you’ve ever thought that texting while driving was dangerous for everyone except you – or that you have exceptional multitasking skills which include texting & eating lunch while driving, then I’ve got news for you. It appears that more adults are becoming culprits of dangerous texting and driving activities than teens. That’s according to the results of a survey conducted by AT&T and published in USA Today, showing that 49% of adult drivers admit to texting behind the wheel. Compare that with 43% of the teen respondents admitting that they text while driving.
Many adults may believe that their experience will never fail when it comes to texting while driving, however they’ve changed their tune after experiencing the Texting While Driving Simulator online. The online simulator puts you in “real life” scenarios causing you to choose between answering a text or making a wrong driving decision (which could ultimately cause you to crash — or worse, lose your augmented reality life!)
I recently tried out the simulator and as a driver who once thought that she’s the queen of auto multitasking, I can whole-heartedly attest that the simulator game reveals a first hand account of how seriously dangerous texting while driving truly is. During the simulator, my online driving experience was paired with my smartphone which enabled me to receive text messages while maneuvering the driving simulation online. My first idea was to keep a minimum driving speed which would help my reaction and reply time once I began to receive text messages – but clearly that didn’t work. (Note: If you’re not driving within 10miles of the speed limit, your simulation session will end).
However, the moment I began speeding using the simulator and tried to respond to a text, I was prompted to make a left turn & before I knew it – I collided with a city transit bus. This simulation is a great example on how it only takes a moment to get into car and truck accidents if you’re texting while driving. That could cause legal problems, so it is important to have legal professional help like Scura Attorneys can be really helpful for this. Securing trucking accident compensation can alleviate financial burdens; a skilled lawyer can maximize your claim for damages and ensure justice is served.
After a few additional attempts, I am convinced that trying out this simulator with a co-worker, a friend, a teen or an adult will truly impact their beliefs on texting while driving – and hopefully save lives this summer in the process. However, texting while driving can sometimes lead to a car accident. If this happened to you, you may want to get expert legal advice from an auto accident attorney or this Houston car accident lawyer. A car accident injury lawyer can help you prepare all the necessary documents when filing a claim. In addition, it is advised to contact car accident attorneys before you speak with your insurance provider to ensure that your rights will be protected.
If you believe that “No text message is worth dying for” take the “It Can Wait” Pledge and join the AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile & Sprint as a champion for this campaign for change. If you have yet to try out the simulator, check it out here at