There’s a saying, “never judge a book by it’s cover.” but in reality, we’re all judging someone in some way, for some reason. We can already rate restaurants, hotels, movies and more online and now there’s an app to judge humans too! Meet Peeple the Yelp meets Facebook app that allows users to assign reviews and one – five star ratings to everyone you know. (Exes beware, it’s the app you’ve all been dreading!)
If Facebook, LinkedIn and Tinder had a baby – it would be Peeple. In essence, it cuts down on all the researching and snooping that you’re doing on Facebook, Google, Instagram and Twitter and it gives you the real deal ratings on people based on their interactions with others.
But what about the possibility of getting slandered or bullied online? Peeple has you covered. Apparently there are a few rules and regulations in place to ensure people are open and honest as possible. To sign up for a Peeple account, you must be 21 or older, have an established Facebook account and you must make reviews under you real name. In order to add someone new to the system, you must have their telephone number and be able to affirm that you know the person via a personal, professional or romantic nature.
The app will be available on iOS and an Android version is on the way soon. What do you think about rating friends, family and associates using the Peeple app? Would you have the guts to do it? Share you thoughts below!