September 19th marks the It CanWait annual day of action. The campaign has inspired more than 5 million pledges to never text and drive and created several initiatives to dissuade texting and driving. I’ve been very involved with this campaign since the inception back in 2012 and have tweeted, taken the pledge against texting while driving and even hosted an event (or two) promoting safe mobile use while on the road.
Recently AT&T has introduced a social tool, “#X”, that fits naturally into texting conversations. It means “I’m checking out while I drive. Back soon.” Its a great way to get the message across that you take safe driving seriously and has already impacted mobile conversations across the world.
Must Read: “It Can Wait” Campaign Grows – Backup From Sprint, VZW, T-Mobile & More
In addition to the social tool, AT&T has also empowered Android and iPhone users by giving users 3-step instructions on how to create a shortcut text to use in communication before you drive. No more awkward “Can’t text, I’m driving” texts, using the shortcut instructions your one step closer to sending less texts and spreading the message against texting while driving.
Today, AT&T and its supporters will continue to encourage the public to take the pledge to make a lifelong commitment to never text and drive. In support of the campaign, Demi Lovato has created this PSA to urge her fans to text or tweet #X prior to driving in order to alert their friends that they will be behind the wheel and unable to respond to incoming texts.
Must Read: AT&T “Texting & Driving: It Can Wait” To Battle The 100 Most Deadliest Days Of The Year
The “It Can Wait” campaign continues to encourage mobile users to practice safe texts while on the road and has an entire arsenal of tips and tools online to motivate users of all ages to take the pledge, get involved and share the message of safety with friends and family.
Have you taken the “It Can Wait” pledge yet? Check it out online at