Every month, Americans spend $350 billion shopping. But what if it was faster, more frugal, more fun?…Finding the sales closest to you (no matter where you are), use Facebook & Twitter to get opinions and advice on purchases…keep tabs on all past purchases from your favorite stores — all from the convenience of your smartphone…it’s closer than you think.
Can you imagine the ultimate personal shopper?
Imagine the ideal wishlist. It would follow you from BestBuy to Target to Whole Foods, whether you’re surfing their sites or walking the aisles. So while it’s powerful on your laptop or desktop, it’s even more powerful on your phone, where it can accept photos of items, scan bar codes for more information, and even memorize location of an item.
But it needs to do more than store items, links and pictures. What if you could set a price you’d be willing to pay for an item, and your wishlist would scour the web searching for that deal, watching and alerting you when the item was found in your price range ? And if it was not available, your wishlist could notify a Best Buy near you – or BestBuy.com – of your interest in purchasing the item at that price, so they know who to contact when it comes in, or if they need to unload excess inventory.
When you are in a store, the wishlist will incorporate all your frequent buyer program information so you can receive alerts on potential savings, and even special offers customized for you based on your list. When an item is out of stock, your wishlist can scan inventory at other local stores, or go online to search for the best price available.
Stores like Target know what you’ve bought. Why shouldn’t you? Imagine accessing a list of past Target purchases every time you enter a store. You’ll not only see what you’re bought before, you can access reviews and recommendations for complementary products, so you’ll never make the same bad purchase twice.
While you’re there, try using the mapping tools on your phone. After all, maps aren’t just great tools for outside, they can work inside, too. So why not use them to navigate a mega store like Whole Foods? Simply zoom in and out to find aisles of interest, or generate a map leading from your current location to the exact location of the products you want.
You use search everyday. So why do you still wander a Home Depot looking for something? Just use a simple search of the inventory, like you would online. Even if it’s out of stock, you’re not out of luck: search result will include key data like when it will be back in-store, other locations where you can find it, and also enable you to buy it online from the retail site.
Find out more futuristic ways to simplify your shopping with Modus Associates.