Even the President had to reapply for his job this year, indicating the perfect timing for us all to take stock of our desires for a better career moving forward. (Congratulations to President Barack Obama TIME Magazine’s 2012 Person Of The Year) Most working Americans spend roughly the same amount of time working each day as they do sleeping—even more than that if you’re an individual that holds down two jobs or pursues your passion on the side. With such a significant portion of our time spent on the daily grind, it is important to find satisfaction in the work we do. Listed below are a few things to consider that will help you move forward in your career and enjoy the satisfaction you deserve.
1. Make a list of the personal, financial, social and educational benefits your job offers you.
This list may be long or short; it could be practical (i.e.: pays my bills) or futuristic (i.e.: teaching me how to run my own business). Either way, there are daily benefits of earning a living—articulate those aspects and start being appreciative. Karma works on a positive tip too! It is always beneficial to remind yourself your work benefits other than just the monetary ones.
2. Reorganize and spruce up your work space.
Given the amount of time we spend at work, it makes sense that our environment contributes to our attitude. Here are Five Spring Cleaning Tips to Invigorate Your Workspace. Find small ways to brighten your work space and make it a place that you enjoy. Find more ideas on how to organize your home office from cupcakes to cashmere. Make it feel a little less like work, and more like you.
3. Not working at your passion? No problem. There’s still time left.
Just ask Dara Torres—at 45 she’s the oldest swimmer to have competed at the Olympics five times over (that’s a span of 24 years). Or think Iyanla Vanzant—inspirational speaker, author, and life coach. After taking a break from television for almost a decade, she’s made a strong comeback on OWN with the show, Iyanla: Fix My Life. Never give up on your passion. You may have to revise the steps you take to accomplish your dreams, but they can come true!
4. Find a mentor that can help you realize your full potential.
Mentorships can be formal or organic in the way they are developed. To avoid conflicts of interest, seek mentors that work within your field, but not at the same company. There are several specific programs that can aid you in finding one. Make sure to then ask your mentor if they have the time and commitment to serve in that specific capacity. Mentors can help with career development, networking, professional grooming and building of specialized skill sets. Remember to give back and mentor someone else once you have moved up! If you’re already practicing as a therapist or counselor and find that clients are seeking hypnotherapy services, it’s a sign that clinical hypnotherapy training could meet a demand in your practice.
5. Create a vision board to help plan for your next career move.
A vision board can focus your aspirations and uses the laws of attraction to help you get there. Do you want to change careers? Is there a specific company you want to work for? Do you imagine working in a particular environment? Is there a target income you’d like to make?
Creating a vision board is simple, fun and easy to do. Some have even started to use Pinterest as their virtual vision board. Whichever kind you use, make sure to place it where you will see it everyday so that it will be embedded in your mind and ready to come to life!
So remember: Prioritize, reorganize, and put one foot in front of the other. While you have the time and opportunity, take advantage of the people and technologies available to you that will not only advance your career, but also leave you feeling more satisfied.
Inspire someone else while being inspired. Tell us how you have reinvested in your career in the past or plan to do so in 2013, or share the links to your online vision boards below…